Frequently asked Questions and Answers
Are the paintings 100% handmade?
Yes. All paintings are 100% handmade by our artists. There is no printing involved in the process. Our artists only use highest-grade oil and acrylic paints on high quality Canvas.
Will the painting exactly like the picture?
Because all of our paintings are handmade and often custom ordered, so minor or subtle changes may occur with your painting. Your painting may not be exactly the same as the picture you made the order from. The images on this website are photographs of the paintings. Hence, you should take into account that the settings on your computer screen can cause slight variation of the colors. It will be nearly identical, but not exactly the same. What I can promise is our quality of work we deliver on, and it will be a beautiful painting as you expect.
Do the paintings arrive framed?
Yes. If you buy your painting with a frame, it will arrive framed to your doorstep. The paintings are stretched and framed by professionals, and then shipped via insured express shipping. All for free.
What types of Frames do you use?
Floating Frame for small size painting.
Aluminum Frame for large size paintings as aluminum frames are stronger.
What color of the Frame do you use?
Frame color - black, gold, silver, white
What are the Shipping Charges?
Shipping is Free worldwide.
What Country do you ship?
Our Product are shipped worldwide.
How long it will take after the order?
All paintings are made to order. Please allow us up to 6 to 28 working days for creating the painting as paining, drying, framing takes time and for delivery 2 to 10 working days.
Creating time = 6 - 28 days (Australia and Internationally)
Transit Time = 2-10 days (Australia and Internationally)
Can I request a custom size for a painting?
Yes, this is possible. We paint every painting on order, so we are able to modify the size with the artist as you wish. What we need are just the right instruction and details.
You can send us details at We can discuss it with the artist and get the best price for you.
How do I look after my paintings?
Never hang your canvas painting outside, in areas of high humidity, or near any heat source.
Please make sure that you clean your hands before handling any canvas painting.
Do not place anything on top of the canvas or lay your canvas with the front facing down.
Never use any chemical cleaners to clean your canvas painting.
Customs and import taxes?
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We not responsible for delays due to customs.